All of the local research organizations and libraries here at Berkeley create an exciting and rewarding center for graduate study in the history and material culture of the ancient Mediterranean. With several other potential departmental homes, why should a prospective student choose to apply to AHMA? The program is distinguished by its commitment to interdisciplinary approaches to the ancient past, including the study of material culture, broadly construed, and interests in the ancient Near East as well as the classical civilizations of Greece and Rome. Prospective applicants to AHMA should also read, as relevant to their interests, about the separate programs in  Anthropology(link is external)Classics(link is external), History(link is external)History of Art(link is external), and Middle Eastern Languages and Cultures(link is external) in order to determine which program would best fit their interests. Despite the distinct programs, students in all of them combine to form a large and vibrant intellectual community, participating in many of the same seminars, attending the same events, and working with the same faculty.

The AHMA program combines an open curriculum with rigorous examinations to produce innovative scholars fully trained in the technical skills necessary to become distinguished researchers and effective teachers.

AHMA graduates have, since 2003, taken jobs at The British Museum, Brown University, California State University Los Angeles, Carleton College, Claremont McKenna College, Duquesne University, Durham University, Georgetown University, Harvard University, Macalaster College, MIT, Michigan State University, State University of New York, Tufts University, Tulane University, University of British Columbia, University of Cincinnati, University of Maryland, University of Oxford, University of Patras, University of Pittsburgh, University of Queensland, University of Tübingen, University of Seattle, and Washington and Lee University.

AHMA student working at the Hearst Museum

AHMA student Jesse Obert using a pXRF spectrometer to study a bronze helmet in the collection of the Hearst Museum