The Near Eastern Studies libraries are essential parts of the Department of Near Eastern Studies. The Libraries can be indispensable for research to both graduate and undergraduate students in the Department.The libraries house most of the reference materials on various disciplines within NES as well as some rare books (donated by scholars —past and present— affiliated with NES). The Libraries usually carry books put on reserve by NES faculty each semester, and can also be used as an excellent reading room for students and faculty. Library books are related to the following disciplines: Islamic Studies (Arabic, Turkish, and Persian, including the Mahjoub Persian Library) and Hebrew and Semitic Studies.The Hebrew/Semitics Library and the Islamic Studies Library both contain basic reference materials, including dictionaries and encyclopedias, and some of the most important texts in their fields. Access is generally limited to graduate students in the department and in the AHMA program. Both libraries are non-circulating.