After advancing to candidacy, each student must compose a prospectus of the intended dissertation that defines its subject, scope, approach, rationale, and timetable for completion, and includes a select bibliography. The prospectus should not exceed 5,000 words in length, excluding the bibliography. At a colloquium held by the end of the eighth semester (sixth semester for post-MA entrants), the proposed dissertation committee and the student review this prospectus and discuss any changes that need to be made. The chair of the dissertation committee should verify, by email to the HGA and GSAO, that the colloquium occurred and the student has been given approval to proceed.
After advancement to candidacy, and with the advice and consent of the Head Graduate Advisor, the student selects a Dissertation Committee composed of three faculty members, of which at least two (including the Chair) must be AHMA faculty members, to guide the research and writing of the dissertation project required for the PhD. Research, writing, and revising the dissertation are expected to occupy no more than three years.