The following are the standing committees of AHMA. They are reconstituted each year, with the exception of the EC, on which members serve two-year terms.
Executive Committee (EC)
AHMA Chair, AHMA Graduate Advisor, and two additional faculty members. EC members serve two-year (four-semester) terms.
Ancient Language Exam Committee (ALEC)
The number of faculty members appointed to this committee by the Chair will depend on the number of different ancient language exams that AHMA students elect to take (as an alternative to completing the language requirements by coursework) in a given year. Each exam must be read by three faculty members, of which the majority verdict on the success of an exam will be binding. Where fewer than three faculty have expertise in the relevant language, the Chair will appoint as many faculty as have expertise in that language to the Committee. The ALEC will have, then, a minimum of three faculty members in any given year.
Modern Language Exam Committee (MLEC)
Three faculty members appointed by the Chair. Each is appointed to serve as the primary examiner for one modern language (French, German, and Italian). That person both sets and reads all exams taken by AHMA students in that language for the year. If they deem an exam a clear pass, no further review is necessary; if, however, they deem it borderline or a failure, the other two members of the MLEC are asked to review the exam. The majority opinion determines the outcome of the exam. If a student wishes to be examined in another modern language (e.g., Spanish, modern Greek, Turkish, or Arabic) they should contact the Chair to inquire about what arrangements can be made.
Committee on Petitions to Proceed (COPP)
AHMA Chair, AHMA Graduate Advisor, and two additional faculty members. This committee carefully reviews, discusses, and votes to approve or deny all petitions to proceed submitted by AHMA students in a given year.
Gruen Prize Committee (GPC)
Three faculty members of AHMA, appointed by the Chair, to adjudicate submissions for the Joan B. Gruen Essay Prize, awarded every spring for thebest essay composed by an AHMA student in the course of the previous calendar year).