IV.7 Exchange Programs

Qualified graduate students in good standing can participate in the campus exchange programs listed below. More information is available from the Graduate Division’s Exchange Program website.

University of California Intercampus Exchange Program for Graduate Students - permits students to study at any of the other UC campuses; the Berkeley registration fee entitles students to library, health service and other privileges at the host campus and students receive official course credit for courses taken at the host campus. 

Stanford-California Exchange Program - allows Berkeley students to take courses at Stanford that are not offered at Berkeley; must be approved by the AHMA program, Graduate Division, and Stanford; participants register and pay applicable fees at Berkeley and are exempt from tuition and fees at Stanford; first year graduate students are usually not eligible. Students must enroll in at least one course at Berkeley, and eight units if serving as a GSI.

Exchange Scholar Program - permits doctoral students from Berkeley, Brown, Chicago, Columbia, Cornell, Harvard, MIT, University of Pennsylvania, Princeton, Stanford, and Yale to study at one of the other participating universities; Berkeley registration entitles students to student privileges at the host campus for up to a year; students are usually expected to have completed one year in a Berkeley graduate degree program before applying.

Graduate Theological Union (GTU) - graduate students at Berkeley may take courses at the GTU while registered at Berkeley, subject to appropriate academic approvals.