The Graduate Group in Ancient History and Mediterranean Archaeology (AHMA, or “The Group”) is housed on the seventh floor of Dwinelle Hall in an administrative cluster comprising AHMA and the Departments of Classics, East Asian Languages and Cultures, the Group in Buddhist Studies, and South and Southeast Asian Studies. The AHMA program is an independent unit within the cluster with its own academic procedures and guidelines. Students should consult the AHMA Student Affairs Officer when unsure about particular staff responsibilities.
Dwinelle Hall facilities available to AHMA students include a student lounge, a cafe, the Nemea/Sardis Archives, the Sara B. Aleshire Center for Greek Epigraphy, GSI offices, and a dedicated office for research equipment and computers.
Specific AHMA practices and procedures for the MA and PhD degrees are listed below. Graduate Division also has requirements that all AHMA students must meet; these are generally incorporated into the AHMA procedures.