The University Residency Office classifies every entering student as a resident or non-resident of California
for tuition purposes. California law requires that the University of California set different tuition rates for
state residents and non-residents.
New students who move to California from out of state will be able to become California residents for
tuition purpses; if you are funded by AHMA (or a University Fellowship) you will be required to do this in
your first year of the program. In order to establish California residency, you must show that you have lived
in California for one year, and intend to make California your permanent home. You must begin to
document your physical presence in the state as soon as you arrive. The University Regisrar has detailed
information on this process. Please read it carefully and follow its instructions.
International students cannot establish California residency, and they (or the Group, if it funds them) should
expect to pay non-resident tuition every semester of graduate study until they have advanced to candidacy
for the PhD