All language requirements must be satisfied before the student takes the Qualifying Examination. As in
Stage I, the choice of languages will vary depending upon the student’s individual program of study and is
determined by him or her with the advice and consent of the Advisory Committee. The requirements and
format of the exams are governed by the regulations set out in Section IV.B, above.
1. Ancient languages. Students specializing in the Greek and Roman world must achieve competence
in both Greek and Latin, to be demonstrated for the second language in the way(s) specified for
Stage I. Students specializing in the Ancient Near East and/or Egypt must take a second year of the
ancient language begun at Stage I and must achieve basic competence in a second ancient language
(defined according to the standards set by the Department of Near Eastern Studies). Since advanced
research may require competence beyond these minimum levels, the Advisory Committee may also
recommend or even require extra language training if appropriate.
2. Modern Languages. All students must demonstrate basic competence in a second modern language
relevant to the student’s research interests. Since advanced research may require competence in
more than two modern languages, the Advisory Committee may also recommend or even require
extra language training if appropriate.