Each AHMA student must acquire practical experience in archaeology and material culture, broadly
defined. This may be obtained in different ways including participation in University sponsored or affiliated
excavations and field schools such as those at:
Mycenae (Greece): Professor Kim Shelton
Nemea (Greece): Professor Kim Shelton
Sardis (Turkey): Professor Nicholas Cahill (AHMA PhD; University of Wisconsin, Madison)
Alternatively or additionally, the fieldwork requirement may be met through topographical or other onsite/
museum work in the Mediterranean and Near East with AHMA or other faculty; through enrollment in
approved study programs abroad (e.g., those of the American Academy in Rome or the American School
of Classical Studies at Athens); through participation in non-U.C. Berkeley excavations or archaeological
fieldwork; or through supervised research projects conducted at approved museums or research institutions
(e.g., the American Numismatic Society; the Getty Center and Museum; the American Academy in Rome;
the American School of Classical Studies at Athens; the Albright Institute of Archaeology in Jerusalem;
the American Center for Oriental Research in Amman; the American Research Center in Egypt; and/or the
Cyprus American Research Institute). In order to broaden the student’s experience, this requirement must
be fulfilled outside Berkeley. Note that in absentia registration is not possible for research at the Getty since
research outside California is required for eligibility.